Untitled, Wasted On The Young, 2022-2023, 29mm x 38mm, Giclée print on Canson High Gloss

Wasted On The Young

Wasted On The Young is in service to the understanding of the intersection of ageing, youth culture and identity. As we slip quietly into middle age, many of us find ourselves adrift, life in the home taking over from communal obsessions that drove us as adolescents. The subjects of these photographs have found a space in their lives to stay connected to the parts of themselves that felt meaningful as young adults.

The project does not advocate for a singular path in embracing middle age but instead reflects upon the diversity of experiences. It portrays a life where the middle-aged can find joy in the activities that once defined their younger selves while simultaneously embracing the serene moments that come with maturity. Wasted On The Young makes no judgement on whether everyone should hold on to a part of their youth so directly, but offers it as a potential path for reconnection with either the world or a sense of self.

By capturing these contrasting worlds, Wasted On The Young endeavours to alter preconceived notions of ageing, suggesting that there’s a world where the ecstasy of youth can coexist with the wisdom and tranquillity of middle age.

Read the essay All Under One Roof Raving here.

Exhibition View, Disclosive Group Show, CAA, Brighton

Exhibition View, Disclosive Group Show, CAA, Brighton

Wasted On The Young Limited Edition Handmade French Stitched Book